Our season is in full-force and our teams are progressing well. Some of our GRC Middle School Eaglebots have constructed their drive trains and are progressing well, while our GRC High School Eaglebots have constructed models and parts to test out various field element interactions.

Several of our teams are engaged with Solidworks 2023, the Vex Robotics programing Computer-Aided Design software to design their robots. Through steps in the design process, teams work together to construct their robot in a digital space before building it in our Vex Robotics lab.

Once satisfied with their design they can construct their robot and begin testing it out to make further adjustments in their overall plan for competition. Using STEM-focused approaches, our Eaglebot teams not only are developing strong skills today, they are establishing a firm foundation for their future endeavors.

#NationalCodingWeek #Eaglebots #GRCHS #GRCMS #GRCS #VexRobotics #Solidworks2023

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